Program accreditation is a multi-level process which aims to evaluate and continuously improve educational effectiveness based on firstly self-evaluation by the program followed by verification and validation by the CCEA.
The purpose of the accreditation process is to determine that chiropractic programs meet the quality, safety and governance standards as defined by the CCEA. In addition, chiropractic education providers are required to:
clearly define the mission, goals and objectives of the program that are consistent with the accreditation standards.
ensure that the curriculum and resourcing is based on contemporary evidence and practice.
provide evidence that students are meeting the required competencies to practise safely as a chiropractor.
demonstrate that students are provided with equitable and timely access to information and support.
Chiropractic programs are assessed by the Accreditation Committee who determines whether the education provider meets the requirements as set out in the accreditation standards.
Accredited programs are monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure that they continue to meet the accreditation standards. New programs are assessed for the duration of the first cohort of students.
For new, existing, and potential chiropractic education providers, we recommend reviewing the Accreditation Standards for Chiropractic Programs and Competency Standards for Chiropractors to ensure that chiropractic programs meet the requirements.
The CCEA currently has seven accredited programs, including one new program that is accredited with conditions. The list of chiropractic education providers and programs can be found here.
In addition, there are currently 14 internationally accredited chiropractic education programs recognised by CCEA. The full list of programs can be found here.