Assessment forms and fees


Assessment forms and fees

Please refer to the Skills assessment requirements page to determine the skills assessment process that you will need to follow. Please READ the Instructions for completing CCEA Desktop Audit application forms BEFORE selecting the appropriate form. If you have already determined which application you need to complete, please select the form below:

PLEASE NOTE chiropractic work experience references are NO longer required. (This will be removed from the Candidate Guide when it is reviewed and updated).

Stage 1: Desktop Audit - Documents to assist with completing the application

Instructions for completing Desktop Audit application forms

Third party authorisation form

Resume template

Individualised assessment instructions (Form C candidates only)

Stage 1: Desktop Audit application forms

Form A: Application for skills assessment for migration and/or registration in Australia/New Zealand (Qualified/registered in Australia/New Zealand)

Form B: Application for skills assessment for migration and/or registration in Australia/New Zealand (Overseas qualification recognised by CCEA as an accredited program) 

Form C: Application for skills assessment for migration and/or registration in Australia/New Zealand (Qualification is NOT recognised by CCEA as an accredited program)

Form D: Request for updated assessment for candidates with an overseas qualification and who were previously issued a CCEA Certificate

Form E: Candidates required by the Chiropractic Board of Australia or the New Zealand Chiropractic Board to sit the written assessment and/or the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Application submission

Please submit your application form to CCEA electronically. The academic transcript and letter of good standing will need to be emailed directly to the CCEA Skills Assessment Team as per the instructions in the relevant application form. 

CCEA is aware that some institutions will not provide electronic copies of these documents. If this applies to you, please ask for a hard copy to be posted to CCEA at GPO Box 622, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia

Application fees

The following are application fees, depending on your type of application, and which assessment activities you will need to complete.

Stage 1: Desktop audit Cost (AUD$) from 1 July 2024
FORM A: Australian/New Zealand accredited qualification* seeking ONLY Skilled Migration Statement. $850
FORM B: Any accredited qualification* seeking Skilled Migration Statement and/or documents for Australian/New Zealand registration. $970
FORM C (includes individualised assessment): Any non-accredited qualification* seeking Skilled Migration Statement and/or documents for Australian/New Zealand registration. $1,390
FORM D: Candidate with a CCEA Certificate of Attainment and/or Skilled Migration Statement seeking updates to a Skilled Migration Statement and/or documents for Australian/New Zealand registration. $480
FORM E: Candidate required by the Chiropractic Board of Australia or the New Zealand Chiropractic Board to sit the written assessment and/or the OSCE. $2,140 (practical only) $3,420 (written and practical)

Stage 2: Competency based assessment Cost (AUD$) from 1 July 2024
Part 1 – Written basic competency $430
Part 2 – Written clinical competency $1,280
Part 3 – Practical clinical competency $2,140

Supplementary exams and re-sits Cost (AUD$) from 1 July 2024
Part 1 – Written basic competency $430 per paper
Part 2 – Written clinical competency
All sections
Section 3 and 4
Section 5 and 6
$360 per paper
$280 per paper
Part 3 – Practical clinical competency
All sections
Section 7
Section 8, 9 and 10
$480 each section

Fees for appeals Cost (AUD$) from 1 July 2024
Stage 1: Desktop audit $270
Stage 2: Competency based assessment $540

Other fees Cost (AUD$)
Re-issue of certificate and/or outcome letter $80

Please note: CCEA only recognises accreditation through CCEI member agencies. This includes CCEC, ECCE, CCEA, and CCE-US graduates who completed their programs prior to 31 December 2017. The following Education providers do not currently deliver programs recognised by CCEA.