Accredited Programs
Accredited Programs
CCEA is the entity responsible for accrediting chiropractic programs in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
Australia and New Zealand
The following education providers across Australia and New Zealand have programs which are accredited with the CCEA.
Education provider | Qualifications | Accreditation status |
Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales | Bachelor of Chiropractic Science/Master of Chiropractic OR 3-year Master of Chiropractic
List of historic Macquarie University qualifications Qualifications deemed equivalent by the Chiropractic Board of Australia |
Accredited to end of June 2029 |
Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia | Bachelor of Science in Chiropractic Science/Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic | |
RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria | Bachelor of Health Science/Bachelor of Applied Science (Chiropractic) | Accreditation is ongoing, with enhanced monitoring, throughout the teach-out period. |
Central Queensland University, Mackay/Brisbane, Queensland | Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic)/Master of Clinical Chiropractic | Accredited to end of November 2029 |
New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Auckland | Bachelor of Chiropractic | Accredited to end of June 2026 |
Australian Chiropractic College, Adelaide, South Australia | Bachelor of Chiropractic
Accredited with conditions to end of November 2027 |
The following education provider in Asia has a program which is accredited with the CCEA.
Education provider | Qualifications | Accreditation status |
IMU University, Malaysia | Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Chiropractic | Accredited with conditions to end of April 2026 |
Historic Programs
The following education providers have chiropractic programs that were previously accredited by the CCEA.
Education provider | Accreditation status |
RMIT Japan, Japan | Accredited to end of April 2012 | Hanseo University, South Korea (Bachelor of Health Sciences/Doctor of Chiropractic) | Accredited to end of June 2022 | Tokyo College of Chiropractic, Japan (Doctor of Chiropractic) | Accredited to end of October 2022 | Central Queensland University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic)/Master of Clinical Chiropractic) | Accredited to end of November 2022 |