New education providers and programs


New education providers and programs

New education providers developing chiropractic programs must advise the CCEA prior to welcoming their first cohort of students and commencing the accreditation process.

Notice period and requirements

CCEA must be notified at least 18 months prior to the first cohort of students commencing in the new chiropractic program. In addition, the education provider will need to supply a detailed business plan and budget within the notification period to indicate that their planned resources and processes are sufficient for developing a successful chiropractic program.

Advice and support

To receive initial advice and support, new education providers are encouraged to contact CCEA. We can provide you with a template that your organisation can use to prepare a submission and advise you of the accreditation process in more detail. 

Submission requirements

All submissions made by new education providers must align with the Accreditation Standards for Chiropractic Programs and Competency Standards for Chiropractors.

Progress reports and recommendations

Throughout the application and initial accreditation process, reports detailing findings and recommendations are reviewed by the Accreditation Committee. The reports identify areas of concern that need to be addressed by the education provider as they proceed through the accreditation process. The Accreditation Committee advises the CCEA Board and program of its findings.

Commencing a new chiropractic program

If you are developing a new program, please contact CCEA at your earliest convenience to arrange a meeting with the team and discuss your program.