Overview of program accreditation


Overview of program accreditation

CCEA program accreditation is based on the Accreditation Standards for Chiropractic Programs and Competency Standards for Graduating Chiropractors. The accreditation standards set out the process for evaluating new and existing chiropractic programs. 

The accreditation standards emphasise the use of outcomes-based assessment measures and detail the criteria for accreditation. These measures establish competencies that need to be achieved by students studying to become a chiropractor to be registered with the local regulatory authority.

Accreditation goes through a multi-stage assessment process which aims to evaluate and continuously improve chiropractic programs across Australasia:

  1. The education provider completes a self-evaluation report of the program against the accreditation standards. 

  2. The Accreditation Committee reviews the self-evaluation report and provides a recommendation to the CCEA Board to progress to a site visit. It then convenes a Site Evaluation Team, including academics, practitioners, and community members, who attend the campus of the education provider and produce a report on the progress of the program against the accreditation standards.

  3. The site evaluation report is reviewed by the Accreditation Committee who provides recommendations to the CCEA Board on the status of the program. 

  4. The CCEA Board reaches a decision following a review of the recommendations and determines whether accreditation is granted. The decision is then presented to the appropriate regulatory authority and the education provider is advised of the outcome.

The above process is a general overview. There are additional steps within stages of assessment that may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the education provider.

Programs will need to refer to the accreditation standards, guidelines, policies and procedures.

Related documents

Accreditation Standards for Chiropractic Programs and Competency Standards for Graduating Chiropractors

Accreditation Guidelines for Chiropractic Education Programs


Accreditation Policies and Procedures

Framework for Risk-based Accreditation Decision-making