Accredited Programs


International Medical University
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Chiropractic

International Medical University’s Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Chiropractic program is accredited with conditions by the CCEA.


Update: CCEA deemed Condition 4 as met in April 2024 and Condition 5 as met in October 2024.

Condition 1: Protection of the public and the care of patients

By 30 April 2025, International Medical University must provide evidence that protection of the public and the care of patients are prominent in their program learning outcomes.

Condition 2: Chiropractic assessment, management and treatment across the lifespan in the curriculum

By 31 October 2025, International Medical University must provide evidence that the curriculum contains sufficient theoretical and clinical content for students to be able to adapt practice according to varying patient needs across the human lifespan.

Condition 3: Clinical and practical experience in chiropractic assessment, management and treatment across the lifespan

By 30 April 2026, International Medical University must provide evidence that students have sufficient clinical and practical experience to adapt practice according to varying patient needs across the human lifespan.

Condition 4: Clinical record keeping

By 30 April 2024, International Medical University must provide evidence that all clinic forms and records are benchmarked against the Chiropractic Board of Australia’s Guidelines for clinical record keeping for chiropractors and implemented.

Condition 5: Contemporary research and evidence based practice in program content

By 31 October 2024, International Medical University must provide evidence that the program content reflects contemporary evidence based practice.