Accredited Programs


Australian Chiropractic College
Bachelor of Chiropractic

The Australian Chiropractic College’s Bachelor of Chiropractic program is accredited with conditions by the CCEA.


Condition 1: Academic staff

Until the next accreditation determination made by the CCEA, the College will provide six-monthly reports on staff additions and attritions. Each report must include:

a. Qualifications

b. Level and type of appointment

c. Fraction full-time equivalent (FTE) committed to the chiropractic program

d. All teaching and/or research areas and positions

e. Rationale for these staffing changes

Condition 2: Facilities and equipment

Until the next accreditation determination made by the CCEA, the College will provide six-monthly reports on its facilities and equipment in relation to:

a. Chiropractic student clinic

b. Any other facilities or equipment procured for the chiropractic program

Condition 3: Special site visit

In 2023, the CCEA will arrange a special site visit to evaluate the program’s progress against the Accreditation Standards for Chiropractic Programs. The program will need to demonstrate satisfactory progress to maintain accreditation with conditions.

Condition 4: Policies and clinic handbook

The College is to provide CCEA with copies of any new or updated policies and clinic handbook materials once they have been approved by the relevant College boards and committees.

Condition 5: Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) accreditation

Until the next accreditation determination made by the CCEA, the program will be required to maintain accreditation with TEQSA.

Update: CCEA deemed Condition 3 as met and Condition 5 as no longer necessary in March 2024.